Sunday, November 10, 2013

First Post Necessariam

Sooo.... here we are. 

What are you doing here? More importantly (for this post only)... what am I doing here?!

Let me start with a little about myself. I'm a twenty something, CrossFit chick who lives a mostly 80/20 Paleo life but... whose favorite foods are mac n cheese, pizza and all things Mexican. 

Totally Paleo right?! Not quite. 

I am starting this blog because as I continue on in this Paleo lifestyle I find myself posting more and more on Facebook/Instagram all these recipes I am trying. A lot of my friends want to know what things taste like, tips and tricks for making it easier and, most importantly, what's the recipe?? 

There are also a number of people who have no idea what/how I eat the way I do.. this is also for them. So for my friends stopping in that don't know what Paleo is, but have certainly seen me post about it 4518343 times, here is a very, very abbreviated version of what Paleo-eating entails in a handy little pyramid:

Biggest key here? No sugar. Which means no grains. We're talking no bread, no rice, no chips/crackers/cereal/crap. No artificial, fill you with chemicals to trick you into thinking its not sugar, sweeteners. Ya kno why? Because it's sugar. That's how your body reacts to it, like sugar, and causes inflammation and insulin spikes and a host of other bad stuff. I don't want to bore you forever on this (and for those experts on it, please don't nitpick me.. this is just to catch others up), and if you want to know more we can talk. 

Some of my recipes I try out will have raw honey, natural maple syrup, and occasionally.. a good bad-for-you item (like dark chocolate chips.. I am not a saint and I love dessert too)! 

 So that's it. That's why I am here. I eat this way because I can perform at a higher level in CrossFit than ever before. I eat this way because I'm tired of all the crap that is in processed food. But most importantly, I eat this way because it makes me feel the best I have ever felt. 

What are your health goals? What are you curious about? Why are YOU here? 

I want to hear about it =] First recipe coming soon!

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